More details and House Rules

Caterham Repair Café (CRC)

Our aims are:

To keep valuable items in use and not in landfill

To encourage a repair culture in our society

To raise funds for our local charities

House Rules:

PLEASE NOTE: Dangerous tools and equipment are present and sometimes used in repairs.

We regularly take photos of our event for use on this website, should you not wish to be photographed please inform a member of the team.

All visitors must complete the registration form overleaf for our records before any repairs can be contemplated. All information is treated in confidence.

Please bring ALL items needed to check your item – chargers, cables, speakers, filters, a CD or tape, batteries,

After an initial assessment of an item, repairers may use their judgment whether to attempt a repair or not.

Please remember that we are fixing items that may otherwise be thrown away and that our work is on a no-liability basis. If your item is expensive or of sentimental value you may prefer to get a professional repair.

A maximum of ONE item per person will be examined. Should time allow, you can re-join the end of the queue for an extra item to be considered for examination and assessment.

Parents are discouraged from bringing their children to the CRC, but if they do they must exercise control over, and be responsible for, the behaviour of their children at all times.

Visitors are encouraged to remain with the repairer while the repair is being carried out in order to see how the repair is being done and to pick up new skills.

Items should not be left with the repairer and collected at a later time but where the repair itself makes this necessary neither the repairer nor CRC can assume any responsibility for safe-keeping.

Neither the organisers of CRC nor the repairers in personal capacities or otherwise are liable for any loss or injury whatsoever that may result from any repair carried out nor for any accidental damage that may occur to either visitors’ goods or personal effects during their time at the sessions.

Repairers offer no guarantee for any repairs carried out with or without their help and are not liable if any repaired items do not work properly at home or break down again in the future.

Visitors are responsible for the removal of all items that they brought, repaired or not.